Tuesday, June 10, 2008

First Post

I thought I'd start off with some lighter fare.

I've been listening to My Playlist and decided I needed to get something off my chest.

I'm 34 years old and I love High School Musical. If I'm in a bad mood, this song will instantly put me in a good one.

Cranky has been cranky all day and when this song came up on my playlist, Cranky was no longer cranky. Just give me a few minutes, and I'll be back to my good ol' Cranky self.

Peace out, yo.

Besides, I have a list of naughty things I'd love to do to Zac Efron.


E-biz said...

Okay, Cranky, I LOVE High School Musical too!!!!!!! I love it when the kids want to watch it or listen to the soundtrack. I'm also hooked on Jump In! :)

Vickie said...

I didn't get into it until almost a year after the 1st one came out - saw it while visiting a friend in Hawaii (her 5 year old son LOVED the movie) and got hooked.

The weekend HSM2 premiered, I was a big old dork and watched it just about every time it was on. :)

I've seen Jump In a few times, but I don't like it as much as HSM.